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Personal pros of teaching Spanish

  1. Your heart will melt when your students show their appreciation. Teaching children can seem thankless but there are some students who really look up to you

  2. You get to teach what you love every single day! I love teaching Spanish. I can teach it all day happily.

  3. Seeing your students develop their skills. It feels so amazing to teach young people and to see them grow and gain confidence in a second language.

  4. Life lessons. I love to teach my students life lessons that are relevant outside of the classroom. I know they'll need it.

  5. Coworkers! Your team can really make or break your experience. Luckily, I have a great team of 9th grade teachers and we laugh and support each other along the way. It's not easy managing 14/15 year olds. Whew.

"Unlock Your World: Learn Spanish, Speak Boundlessly!"

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